Sushant's Girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty was Secretly Engaged with Mahesh Bhatt | Nepotism Mahesh Bhatt Had Secret Affair with Sushant's Girlfriend Rhea Chakraborty. After the untimely demise of popular Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, people are mercilessly trolling veteran Bollywood filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt. Few pictures of Sushant Singh Rajput’s girl friend, Rhea Chakraborty, along with filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt went viral after Sushant’s demise. Let us find out in the video, why the veteran filmmaker is getting trolled mercilessly by angry netizens on social media. After the talented Bollywood actor took his own life on 14th June, his angry fans started having war of word on social media. Amidst all these wars of words and blame game, few pictures of Sushant’s girl friend Rhea Charaborty and Mahesh Bhatt went viral. In those two pictures, Mahesh Bhatt and Rhea seemed very much intimate with each other. Mahesh Bhatt was resting his head on Rhea’s shoulder. These images spa...